Galería (photos)


A mantled howler monkey (male) at Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico (photo by Paulo Casal)


Cattle pasture in the Lacandona rainforest, southeastern Mexico


Students (from left to right: Emilia, Sandra, Carolina, Hilda and Giovanni) during their fieldwork at Lacandona, Chiapas, Mexico


Our dung beetle collection from Lacandona, Chiapas, Mexico


Miriam and Alex during their fieldworks at Lacandona, Mexico


Some beautiful animals recorded at Lacandona, Chiapas, Mexico


Students (Giovanni, Karina and Alex) in the Lab


Some amphibians and reptiles recorded by Giovanni Russildi in the Lacandona rainforest


Arturo and Karina receiving their respective awards: the best PhD (Arturo) and MSc (Karina) theses presented in a Primatological Colloquium


Field course «Ecology of fragmented tropical forests». 2012


Field course «Ecology of fragmented tropical forests». 2013


Field course «Ecology of fragmented tropical forests». 2014


Field course «Ecology of fragmented tropical forests». 2015


Field course «Ecology of fragmented tropical forests». 2016


Felipe P. L. Melo, Bráulio A. Santos, Víctor Arroyo-Rodríguez and Wesley Dattilo, profesors at the field course: «Ecology of fragmented tropical forests». 2016

Miriam and her friend, a Leptophis ahaetulla in the Chajul Biological Station, Lacandona rainforest, Mexico


Karina and her baby, a black howler monkey at the Chajul Field Station, Chiapas


A wonderful fig tree (Ficus sp.) and owl butterfly (Caligo sp.) from Las Cruces, Costa Rica.

Field course «Ecology of fragmented tropical forests». 2017

Field course «Ecology of Amazonian Forest» – Anavilhianas, AM, Brazil. 2017

Field course «Ecology of Brazilian Atlantic Forest» – Bahia, Brazil. 2017

A big fig tree (Ficus sp.) in Khao Yai National Park, Thailand. 2018

Beautiful gibbons (Hylobates lar) from Khao Yai National Park, Thailand. 2018

Field course «Ecology of fragmented tropical forests». Miranda river, Lacandona Rainforest, Mexico. 2018

Field course «Ecology of fragmented tropical forests». Canto de la Selva Hotel. 2018

Coatis (Nasua narica) in the Lacandona rainforest, Mexico

Visiting my friend and colleague, Dr. Lenore Fahrig, at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada

Wonderful canoeing trips in Crotch Lake, Ontario (June and September 2018)

«Tropical Ecology and Conservation» course at Palo Verde Biological Station, Costa Rica (Feb 2019)

Beautiful trogons at Palo Verde Biological Station, Costa Rica (Feb 2019)

White-faced capuchin at Palo Verde Biological Station, Costa Rica (Feb 2019)

An incredible sighting of an Ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) in a tree at Palo Verde, Costa Rica

Field course «Ecology of fragmented tropical forests». Canto de la Selva Hotel. 2019

A biodiversity-friendly forest landscape from Las Alturas de Cotón, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. The remaining tropical forest (right side) is part of the La Amistad International Peace Park, which protects widely diverse habitats, including tropical lowland rainforest and cloud forests.

Amazing fauna from La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica