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García-Hernández, M D L Á; Toledo-Aceves, T; López-Barrera, F; Sosa, V J; Paz, H

Effects of environmental filters on early establishment of cloud forest trees along elevation gradients: Implications for assisted migration Artículo de revista

Forest Ecology and Management, 432 , pp. 427-435, 2019, (cited By 11).

Enlaces | Etiquetas: Canopy cover; Climate change mitigation; Increasing temperatures; Influence of environmental changes; Seedling establishment; Seedling survival; Survival probabilities; Tree regeneration, climate change; cloud forest; elevation; environmental effect; environmental gradient; forest canopy; growth; herb; migration; regeneration; seedling establishment; selective logging; survival; survivorship; tree; tree planting, Climate change; Probability; Temperature, Coverings; Growth; Migration; Probability; Reforestation; Survival; Temperature; Trees, Mexico [North America], Reforestation