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212 registros « 4 de 43 »


Vega-Sánchez, Yesenia Margarita; Mendoza-Cuenca, Luis; González-Rodríguez, Antonio

Morphological variation and reproductive isolation in the Hetaerina americana species complex Artículo de revista

Scientific Reports, 12 (1), 2022.


Chávez-Ortiz, Pamela; Tapia-Torres, Yunuen; Larsen, John; García-Oliva, Felipe

Glyphosate-based herbicides alter soil carbon and phosphorus dynamics and microbial activity Artículo de revista

Applied Soil Ecology, 169 , 2022.


Mills-Novoa, Megan; Boelens, Rutgerd; Hoogesteger, Jaime; Vos, Jeroen

Resisting, leveraging, and reworking climate change adaptation projects from below: placing adaptation in Ecuador’s agrarian struggle Artículo de revista

Journal of Peasant Studies, 2022.


Murray-Tortarolo, Guillermo; Poulter, Benjamin; Vargas, Rodrigo; Hayes, Daniel; Michalak, Anna M; Williams, Christopher; Windham-Myers, Lisamarie; Wang, Jonathan A; Wickland, Kimberly P; Butman, David; Tian, Hanqin; Sitch, Stephen; Friedlingstein, Pierre; O’Sullivan, Mike; Briggs, Peter; Arora, Vivek; Lombardozzi, Danica; Jain, Atul K; Yuan, Wenping; Séférian, Roland; Nabel, Julia; Wiltshire, Andy; Arneth, Almut; Lienert, Sebastian; Zaehle, Sönke; Bastrikov, Vladislav; Goll, Daniel; Vuichard, Nicolas; Walker, Anthony; Kato, Etsushi; Yue, Xu; Zhang, Zhen; Chaterjee, Abhishek; Kurz, Werner

A Process-Model Perspective on Recent Changes in the Carbon Cycle of North America Artículo de revista

Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 127 (9), 2022.


Martínez-Calderón, Víctor M; Sosa-Ramírez, Joaquín; Fuantos-Mendoza, Jesús M; Pérez-Salicrup, Diego R; de Luna-Ruíz, Jesús J

Propagación de Arctostaphylos pungens Kunt procedente de bosques templados del centro-norte de México; [Propagation of Arctostaphylos pungens Kunt from temperate forests of north-central Mexico] Artículo de revista

Revista Chapingo, Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente, 28 (2), pp. 241 – 255, 2022.


212 registros « 4 de 43 »