

  1. Tauro, R., Masera, O., García C. 2018. «The potential for sustainable biomass pellets in Mexico: an analysis of energy potential, logistic costs and market demand». Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 82: 380–389
  2. Medina, P., Berrueta V., Martínez, M., Ruíz, V., Ruíz-Mercado, I., Masera, O. 2017 “Closing the gap between lab and field cookstove tests: Benefits of multi-pot and sequencing cooking tasks through controlled burning cycles”. Energy for Sustainable Development. 41: 106-111
  3. Astier, M., García-Barrios, L., González-Esquivel, C., Larrondo-Posadas, L., López-Riadura, S., Masera, O., Galván-Miyoshi, Y. 2017. Introduçao. Agricultura Familiar. RAF. 11: 9-16. ISSN 1414-0810.
  4. L., Santana, D., Masera, O., Faaij, A.P.C. 2017. Switching to efficient technologies in traditional biomass intensive countries: The resultant change in emissions. Energy. 126: 513-526.
  5. Medina, P., V. Berrueta, M. Martínez, V. Ruíz, R. Edwards y O. Masera. Comparative performance of five Mexican plancha-type cookstoves using water boiling tests. Development Engineering 2: 20-28.
  6. Rosenthal, J., Balakrishnan, , Bruce, N., Chambers, D., Graham, J., Jack, D., Kline, L., Masera, O., Mehta, S., Ruiz Mercado, I., Neta, G., Pattanayak, S., Puzzolo, E., Petach, H., Punturieri, A., Rubinstein, A., Sage, M., Sturke, R., Shankar, A., Sherr, K., Smith,  K. and Yadama, G. 2017. Implementation Science to Accelerate Clean Cooking for Public Health. Environmental Health Perspectives. 125:1. A3-A7. DOI:10.1289/EHP1018
  7. Ghilardi, A., Bailis, R., Mas J.F., Skutsch, M., Elvir, J.A., Quevedo, A., Masera, O., Dwivedi, P., Drigo, R. y Vega, E. 2016. Spatiotemporal Modeling of Fuelwood Environmental Impacts: Towards Improved Accounting for non-renewable Biomass. Environmental Modelling & Software 82: 241-254.
  8. Berrueta, V. M., M. Serrano-Medrano, C. García-Bustamante, M. Astier y O. R. Masera. 2015. Promoting sustainable local development of rural communities and mitigating climate change: the case of Mexico’s Patsari improved cookstove project. Climatic Change. DOI 10.1007/s10584-015-1523-y. ISSN 0165-000.
  9. Masera O. R., R. Bailis, R. Drigo, A. Ghilardi e I. Ruiz-Mercado. 2015. Environmental Burden of Traditional Bioenergy Use. Annual Review of Environment and Resources 40: 121-150. Doi: 10.1146/annurev-environ-102014-021318.
  10. De Muner L. H., O. Masera, M. J. Fornazier, C. V. De Souza, M. D. D. S. De Loreto. 2015. Energetic Sustainability of Three Arabica Coffee Growing Systems Used by Family Farming Units in Espírito Santo State. Engenharia Agrícola 35(3): 397-405. ISSN: 1809-4430 Doi:íc.v35n3p397-405/2015.
  11. Ruiz-Mercado, I. y O. Masera. 2015.Patterns of Stove use in the context of fuel-device stacking: rationale and implications. Ecohealth 12(1): 42-56. DOI: 10.1007/s10393-015-1009-4.
  12. Bailis, R., R. Drigo, A. Ghilardi y O. Masera. 2015.The Carbon Footprint of Traditional Woodfuels. Nature Climate Change 5: 266–272. DOI: 10.1038/NCLIMATE2491.
  13. García, C., E. Riegelhaupt, A. Ghilardi, M. Skutsch, J. Islas, F. Manzini y O. Masera. 2015. Sustainable bioenergy options for Mexico: GHG mitigation and costs. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 43: 545-552. (En línea doi:10.1016/j.rser.2014.11.062).
  14. Astier M., Y. Merlín-Uribe, L. Villamil-Echeverri, A. Garciarreal, M. E. Gavito y O. Masera. 2014. Energy balance and greenhouse gas emissions in organic and conventional avocado orchards in Mexico. Ecological Indicators 43: 281-287 (En línea doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.03.002).
  15. Creutzig, F., N. H. Ravindranath, G. Berndes, S. Bolwig, R. Bright, F. Cherubini, H. Chum, E. Corbera, M. Delucchi, A. Faaij, J. Fargione, H. Haberl, G. Heath, O. Lucon, R. Plevin, A. Popp, C. Robledo-Abad, S. Rose, P. Smith, A. Stromman, S. Suh y O. Masera. 2014.Bioenergy and Climate Change Mitigation: an assessment. Global Change Biology (En línea doi: 10.1111/gcbb.12205). ESTE ES UNO DE LOS 15 ARTÍCULOS MÁS DESCARGADOS EN EL AÑO DE 2017 EN GCB BIOENERGY. ¡LUGAR #3 CON 2930 DESCARGAS!
  16. Serrano-Medrano M., T. Arias-Chalico, A. Ghilardi y O. Masera. 2014.Spatial and temporal projection of fuelwood and charcoal consumption in Mexico. Energy for Sustainable Development 19:39-46. ISSN 0973-0826 (En línea doi:10.1016/j.esd.2013.11.007).
  17. Smith, P., H. Haberl, A. Popp, K. Erb, C. Lauk, R. Harper, F. Tubiello, A. de Siqueira Pinto, M. Jafari, S. Sohi, O. Masera, H. Böttcher, G. Berndes, M. Bustamante, H. Ahammad, H. Clark, H. Dong, E. A. Elsiddig, C. Mbow, N. H. Ravindranath, C. W. Rice, C. Robledo, A. Romanovskaya, F. Sperling, M. Herrero, J. I House y S. Rose. 2013. How much land-based greenhouse gas mitigation can be achieved without compromising food security and environmental goals? Global Change Biology 19: 2285–2302.  ISSN 1365-2486. doi 10.1111.
  18. Martínez-Negrete, M.; R. Martínez; R. Joaquín, C. Sheinbaum y O. Masera. 2013. Is Modernization Making Villages More Energy Efficient? A Long-Term Comparative End-Use Analysis for Cheranatzicurin Village, Mexico. Energy for Sustainable Development 17: 463-470. ISSN 0973-0826. Doi 10.1016.
  19. Anenberg S., K. Balakrishnan, J. Jetter, O. Masera, S. Metha, J. Moss y V. Ramanathan. 2013.Cleaner cooking solutions to achieve health, climate, and economic co-benefits. Environmental Science and Technology 47: 3944−3952. ISSN 0013-936X. Doi 10.1021.
  20. Ruiz-Mercado, I., O. Masera y K. Smith. 2012.Understanding the Patterns of Cookstove Adoption and Sustained Use and their Impact in Exposure Reduction: Results from Guatemala and Mexico. Epidemiology 23(5S): 278. ISSN 1044-3983. doi 10.1093.
  21. Astier, M., L. García-Barrios, Y. Galván-Miyoshi, C. E. González-Esquivel y O. R. Masera. 2012.  Assessing the sustainability of small farmer natural resource management systems. A critical analysis of the MESMIS program (1995-2010). Ecology and Society 17(3): 25. ISSN 1708-3087. doi 10.5751.
  22. Skutch M., E. De los Rios, S. Solis, E. Riegelhaupt, D. Hinojosa, S. Gerfert, Y. Gao y O. Masera. 2011. Jatropha in Mexico: environmental and social impacts of an incipient biofuel programme. Ecology And Society, Special Feature: Local, Social, and Environmental Impacts of Biofuels. 16(4):11. ISSN 1708-3087. doi 10.5751.
  23. Astier M., E. Speelman, S. López-Ridaura, O. R. Masera y C. Gonzalez-Esquivel. 2011. Sustainability indicators, alternative strategies and trade-offs in peasant agroecosystems: analyzing 15 case studies from Latin America. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 9(3): 409-422. ISSN 1473-5903. doi 10.1080
  24. Pine K., R. Edwards, O. R. Masera, A. Schilmann, A. Marrón-Mares, H. Riojas-Rodríguez 2011. Adoption and use of improved biomass stoves in Rural Mexico. Energy for Sustainable Development 15(2): 176-183. ISSN 0973-0826. doi 10.1016.
  25. Ruiz-Mercado I., O. R. Masera, H. Zamora-Maldonado y K. Smith. 2011. Adoption and sustained use of improved cookstoves. Energy Policy 39(12): 7557-7566. ISSN 030-4215. doi 10.1016.
  26. Riojas-Rodriguez H., A. Schilmann, A. T. Marron-Mares, O. R. Masera, Z. Li, L. Romanoff, A. Sjödin, L. Rojas-Bracho, L. Needham y I. Romieu. 2011. Impact of the Improved Patsari Biomass Stove on Urinary Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Biomarkers and Carbon Monoxide Exposures in Rural Mexican Women. Environmental Health Perspectives 119: 1301-1307. doi:10.1289/ehp.1002927. ISSN 0091-6765.
  27. Troncoso-Torres K., A. Castillo, L. Merino, E. Lazos y O. R. Masera. 2011. Understanding an Improved Cookstove Program in Rural Mexico: An Analysis from the Implementers Perspective. Energy Policy 39(12): 7600-7608 ISSN 0301-4215. doi 10.1016.
  28. García C., A. Fuentes, A. Hennecke, E. Riegelhaupt, F. Manzini y O. R. Masera. 2011. Life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions and energy balances of sugarcane ethanol production in Mexico. Applied Energy 88: 2088-2097. ISSN 0306-2619. doi 10.1016.
  29. Gao Y., M. Skutsch, R. Drigo, O. R. Masera y P. Pacheco. 2011. Assessing deforestation from biofuels: methodological challenges. Applied Geography 31: 508-518. ISSN 0143-6228. doi 10.1016.
  30. De Jong H. B., C. Anaya, O. R. Masera, I. M. Olguín, J. Etchevers, R. Martínez, G. Guerrero y C. Balbontin. 2010. Greenhouse gas emissions between 1993 and 2002 from land-use change. Forest Ecology and Management 260: 1689-1701. ISSN 0378-1127. doi 10.1016.
  31. García-Frapolli E., A. Schilmann, V. Berrueta, H. Riojas-Rodríguez, R. Edwards, M. Johnson, A. Guevara-Sanginés, C. Armendariz y O. R. Masera. 2010. Beyond Fuelwood Savings: Valuing the economic benefits of introducing improved biomass cookstoves in the Purépecha region of Mexico. Ecological Economics. 69(12): 2598-2605. doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2010.08.004. ISSN 0921-8009.
  32. Moreno-Calles A., A. Casas, J. Blancas, I. Torres, O. R. Masera, E. Pérez-Negrón y S. Rangel-Landa. 2010. Agroforestry system and biodiversity conservation in arid zones: the case of the Tehuacán Valley, Central México. Agroforestry Systems 80(3): 315-331. ISSN 0167-4366. doi 10.1007.
  33. Armendáriz C., R. Edwards, M. Johnson, I. Rojas, F. Espinoza y O. R. Masera. 2010. Indoor particle size distributions in homes with open fires and improved Patsari cookstoves. Atmospheric Environment 44 (24): 2881-2886. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2010.04.049. ISSN 1352-2310.
  34. Johnson M, R. Edwards y O. R. Masera. 2010. Improved stove programs need robust methods to estimate carbon offsets. Climatic Change 102(3-4): 641-649. DOI 10.1007/s10584-010-9802-0. ISSN 0165-0009.
  35.  Johnson M, R. Edwards, V. Berrueta y O.R. Masera. 2010. New Approaches to Performance Testing of Improved Cookstoves. Environmental Science & Technology 44 (1): 368-374. ISSN 0013-936X. doi 10.1021.
  36.  García-Barrios L., Y.Galván, I. Abril, O. R. Masera, G. Bocco y J. Vandermeer. 2009. Neotropical Forest Conservation, Agricultural Intensification, and Rural Out-migration: The Mexican Experience. BioScience 59(10): 863-873. (ISI, FI: 4.0). ISSN 006-3568. doi 10.1525.
  37.  Bailis R., A. Cowan, V. Berrueta y O. R. Masera. 2009. Arresting the Killer in the Kitchen: The Promises and Pitfalls of Commercializing Improved Cookstoves. World Development. 37(10): 1694-1705. (ISI, FI:2.33) ISSN 0305-750X. doi 10.1016.
  38. Romieu I., H. Riojas-Rodríguez, A. Teresa Marrón-Mares, A. Schilmann,  R. Perez-Padilla y O. R. Masera. 2009. Improved biomass stove intervention in rural Mexico: Impact on the respiratory health of women. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 180: 649-656. (ISI, FI:9.09) ISSN 1073-449X. doi 10.1164.
  39. Ghilardi A., G. Guerrero, y O. Masera. 2009. A GIS-based methodology for high lighting fuelwood supply-demand balances at the local level: a case study for central Mexico. Biomass and Bioenergy 33: 957-972 (ISI, FI:2.54) ISSN 0961-9534. doi 10.1016.
  40. Johnson M., E. Rufus, A. Ghilardi, V. Berrueta, D. Gillen, C. Alatorre-Frenk y O. R. Masera. 2009. Quantification of carbon savings from improved biomass cookstove projects. Environmental Science & Technology 43(7): 2456-2462 (ISI FI: 4.45) ISSN 0013-936X. doi 10.1021.
  41. Ordóñez J. A. B., B. H. J. De Jong, F. García-Oliva, F. L. Aviña, J. V. Pérez, G. Guerrero, R. Martinez, y O. R. Masera. 2008. Carbon content in vegetation, litter, and soil under ten different land-use land-cover classes in Central Highlands of Michoacan, Mexico. Forest Ecology and Management 255: 2074-2084. (ISI FI:1.579) ISSN 0378 1127.
  42. Johnson M., R. Edwards, C. Alatorre y O. R. Masera. 2008. In-field greenhouse gas emissions from cookstoves in rural Mexican households. Atmospheric Environment 42 2008: 1206–1222. (ISI FI:2.549) ISSN 1352-2310
  43. Ortíz T. y O. R. Masera. 2008. Subsidios y estrategias de producción campesina: el caso de estudio de Casas Blancas. Revista Iberoamericana de Economía Ecológica 7:61-80. ISSN 1390-2776.
  44. Armendariz C., R. Edwards, M. Johnson, y O. R. Masera. 2008. Reductions in personal exposures to particulate matter and carbon monoxide as a result of the installation of a Patsari improved cook stove in Michoacan Mexico. Indoor Air 18: 93-105. ISSN 0905-6947.
  45. Berrueta V., R. Edwards y O. R. Masera. 2008. Energy performance of wood burning cookstoves in Michoacan, Mexico. Renewable Energy 33(5): 859-870. (ISI, FI 1.2) ISSN 0960 1481.
  46.  Islas J., F. Manzini y O. R. Masera. 2007. A Prospective Study of Bioenergy Use in Mexico. Energy 32: 2306-2330. (ISI, FI: 1.17) ISSN 0360-5442.
  47. Flamenco A., M. Martínez-Ramos y O. R. Masera. 2007. Assessing the implications of land cover change dynamics for conservation of a highly diverse rain forest. Biological Conservation 138: 131-145. (ISI, FI:3.296) ISSN 0006-3207.
  48. Ghilardi A., G. Guerrero y O. R. Masera. (2007). Spatial analysis of residential fuelwood supply and demand patterns in Mexico using the WISDOM approach. Biomass and Bioenergy 31: 475-491. (ISI, FI:1.779) ISSN 0961-9534.
  49.  Zuk M., L. Rojas, S. Blanco, P. Serrano, J. Cruz, F. Angeles, G. Tzintzun, C. Armendariz, R. Edwards, M. Johnson, H. Riojas, y O. R. Masera. 2007. The impact of improved wood-burning stoves on fine particulate matter concentrations in rural Mexican homes. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 17: 224-232. (ISI FI 2.88) ISSN 1559-0631.
  50. Brown S., M. Hall, K. Andrasko, F. Ruiz, W. Marzoli, G. Guerrero, O. R. Masera, A. Dushku, B. DeJong y J.  Cornell. 2007. Baselines for Land-Use Change in the Tropics: Application to Avoided Deforestation Projects. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Climate Change 12: 1001-1026. ISSN 1381 2386.
  51.  Smith K. R., R. Edwards, K. Shields, R. Bailis, K. Dutta, C. Chengappa, O. R. Masera y V. Berrueta. 2007. Monitoring and Evaluation of Improved Biomass Cookstove Programs for Indoor Air Quality and Stove Performance: Conclusions from the Household Energy and Health Project. Energy for Sustainable Development 11:5-18. ISSN 0973-0826.
  52. Bailis R., V. Berrueta, C. Chengappa, K. Dutta, R. Edwards, O. R. Masera, D. Still, y K. R. Smith. 2007. Performance testing for monitor improved biomass stove interventions: Experiences of the Household Energy and Health Project. Energy For Sustainable Development 11: 57-69 ISSN 0973-0826.
  53. Masera O. R., R. Edwards, C. Armendáriz, V. Berrueta, M. Johnson, L. Rojas, H. Riojas-Rodríguez y K. Smith. 2007. Impact of “Patsari” improved cookstoves on Indoor Air Quality in Michoacán, Mexico. Energy for Sustainable Development 11: 45-56. ISSN 0973-0826.
  54. Skutsch M., N. Bird, E. Trines, M. Dutschke, P. Frumhoff, B. de Jong, P. van Laake, O. R. Masera, y D. Murdiyarso. 2007. Clearing the way for reducing emissions from tropical deforestation. Environmental Science and Policy 10: 322-334 (ISI, FI 1.415) ISSN 1462-9011.
  55.  Speelman E., S. López-Ridaura, N. Colomer, M. Astier y O. R. Masera. 2007. Ten years of sustainability evaluation using the MESMIS framework: Lessons learned from its application in 28 Latin American case studies. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 14:1-17. ISSN 1350-4509.
  56. De Jong B., O. R. Masera, M. Olguín y R. Martínez. 2007. Greenhouse gas mitigation potential of combining forest management and bioenergy substitution: a case study from Central Highlands of Michoacan, Mexico. Forest Ecology and Management. 242: 398-411. ISI, FI 1.579. ISSN 0378-1127.
  57. Troncoso K., A. Castillo, O. R. Masera y L. Merino. 2007. Social perceptions about a technological innovation for fuelwood cooking: Case study in rural Mexico. Energy Policy 35: 2799–2810. ISI, FI:1.91. ISSN 0301-4215.
  58. Masera O. R., A. Ghilardi, R. Drigo y M. Trossero. 2006. WISDOM: a GIS-based supply demand mapping tool for woodfuel management. Biomass and Bioenergy 30: 618–637. ISI, FI:1.779. ISSN 0961-9534.
  59. Masera O. R., R. Díaz y V. Berrueta. 2005. From Cookstoves to Cooking Systems: The Integrated Program on Sustainable Household Energy Use in Mexico. Energy for Sustainable Development 9(5): 25-36. Reseñado en Contraportada. ISSN 0973-0826.
  60. Bond T., Ch. Venkataraman y O. R. Masera. 2004.  Global atmospheric impacts of residential fuels. Energy for Sustainable Development: Special Issue on Clean Cookstoves. 8(3): 20-32. Reseñado en contraportada. ISSN 0973-0826.
  61. García-Oliva F. y O. R. Masera. 2004. Assessment and Measurement Issues Related to Soil Carbon Sequestration in Land-Use, Land-Use Change, and Forestry (LULUCF) projects under the Kyoto Protocol. Climatic Change 65: 347-364. ISI, FI: 1.91. (ES: 1.87). ISSN 0165-0009.
  62. Masera O. R., J. F. Garza-Caligaris, M. Kanninen, T. Karjalainen, G. J. Nabuurs, A. Pussinen, B. J. de Jong, y F. Mohren. 2003. Modeling Carbon Sequestration in Afforestation and Forest Management Projects: The CO2fix V.2 Approach. Ecological Modelling 164: 177–199. (ISI, FI:2. 077). ISSN 0304-3800.
  63.  López-Ridaura S., O. R. Masera y M. Astier. 2002. Evaluating the Sustainability of Complex Socio-Environmental Systems. The MESMIS Framework. Ecological Indicators 35: 1-14. ISI, FI:1.576. ISSN 1470-160X.
  64.  Sathaye J., W. R. Makundi, K. Andrasko, R. Boer, N. H. Ravindranath, P. Sudha, S. Rao, R. Lasco, F. Pulhin, O. Masera, A. Ceron, J. Ordonez, X. Deying, X. Zhang y S. Zuomin. 2001. Carbon Mitigation Potential and Costs of Forestry Options in Brazil, China, Indonesia, Mexico, The Philippines and Tanzania. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Climate Change: Special Issue on Land Use Change and Forestry Carbon Mitigation Potential and Cost Effectiveness of Mitigations Options in Developing Countries. 6(3-4):185-211. ISSN 1381-2386.
  65. Masera O. R., A. D. Cerón, y J. A. Ordóñez. 2001. Forestry Mitigation Options for Mexico: Finding Synergies between National Sustainable Development Priorities and Global Concerns. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Climate Change: Special Issue on Land Use Change and Forestry Carbon Mitigation Potential and Cost Effectiveness of Mitigations Options in Developing Countries. 6(3-4): 291-312. ISSN 1381-2386.
  66. Klooster D. y O. R. Masera. 2000. Community forest management in Mexico: Making carbon sequestration a by-product of sustainable rural development. Global Environmental Change 10(4): 259-272. (ISI, FI:3.9) (1.28). ISSN 0959-3780.
  67.  Masera O. R. 2000. Environmental Science and Policy in the Next Century: A Personal View of Future Challenges. Environmental Science and Policy 3: 59-60. (Editorial) (ISI, FI:1.415) ISSN 1462-9011.
  68.  Masera O. R., B. D. Saatkamp y D. M. Kammen. 2000. From Linear Fuel Switching to Multiple Cooking Strategies: A Critique and Alternative to the Energy Ladder Model for Rural Households. World Development 28(12): 2083-2103. (ISI, FI: 1.565) ISSN 0305-750X.
  69. Sheinbaum C. y O. R. Masera. 2000. Mitigating Carbon Emissions while Advancing National Development Priorities. The Case of Mexico. Climatic Change 47(3): 259-282. (ISI, FI: 1.91) (ES: 1.87). ISSN 0165-0009.
  70. Saatkamp B. D., O. Masera y D. M. Kammen. 2000. Energy and Health Transitions in Development: Fuel Use, Stove Technology, and Morbidity in Jarácuaro, Mexico. Energy for Sustainable Development 4(2): 7-16. Reseñado en contraportada ISSN 0973-0826.
  71. Dixon R., J. Smith, S. Brown, O. Masera, L. Mata y I. Buksha. 1999. Simulations of Forest System Response and Feedbacks to Global Change: Experiences and Results from the U.S. Country Studies Program. Ecological Modelling 122: 289-305. (ISI, FI: 2.077) (ES: 1.18). ISSN 0304-3800.
  72. Masera O. R. y J. Navia. 1997. Fuel Switching or Multiple Cooking Fuels: Understanding Interfuel Substitution Patterns in rural Mexican Households. Biomass and Bioenergy 12(5): 347-361. (ISI, FI:1.779) ISSN 0961-9534.
  73. Parks P. J., D. O. Hall, B. Kristrom, O. R. Masera, R. J. Moulton, A.J. Plantinga, J. N. Swisher y J. K. Winjum. (1997). An Economic Approach to Planting Trees for Carbon Storage. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 27 (special issue): S9-S21. (ISI, FI: 2.769) (ES: 2.17) ISSN 1064-3389.
  74. Masera O. R., M. R. Bellon y G. Segura. 1997. Forestry Options for Sequestering Carbon in Mexico: Comparative Economic Analysis of Three Case Studies. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 27 (special issue): S227-S244. (ISI, FI: 2.769) (ES: 2.17) ISSN 1064-3389.
  75.  Masera O. R., M. J. Ordoñez y R. Dirzo. 1997. Carbon emissions from Mexican Forests: Current Situation and Long-term Scenarios. Climatic Change 35: 265-295. (ISI, FI: 1.91) (ES: 1.87) ISSN 0165-0009
  76. Dixon R. K., J. A. Sathaye, S. P. Meyers, O. R. Masera, A. A. Makarov, S. Toure, W. Makundi y S. Wiel. 1996. Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Strategies: Preliminary Results from the U.S. Country Studies Program. Ambio 25(1): 26-32. (ISI, FI: 1.14) (ES: 1.44) ISSN 0044-7447.
  77. Masera O. R. 1995. Carbon Mitigation Scenarios for Mexican Forests: Methodological Considerations and Results. Interciencia 20: 388-395. (ISI, FI: 0.36) ISSN  0378-1844.
  78. Masera, O. R., M.R. Bellon, y G. Segura. 1995. Forest Management Options for Sequestering Carbon in Mexico. Biomass and Bioenergy 8: 357-367. (ISI, FI: 1.779)ISSN 0961-9534.
  79. Altieri M. A. y O. R. Masera. 1993. Sustainable Rural Development in Latin-America: Building from the Bottom-up. Ecological Economics 7: 93-121. (ISI, FI: 1.549) (ES: 1.2) ISSN  0921-8009.
  80. Mendoza Y., O. R. Masera y P. Macias. 1991. Long-term Energy Scenarios for Mexico: Policy Options for Carbon Savings and Main Barriers. Energy Policy 19(10): 962-969. (ISI, FI:1.901) ISSN 0301-4215.
  81. Masera O. R. y G. Dutt. 1991. A Thermodynamic Analysis of Rural Energy Needs: A Case Study in a Mexican Village. Energy 16(4): 763-769. (ISI, FI: 1.17) ISSN 0360-5442.