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Artículos Científicos del IIES

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Artículos de revista

Roldán-Clarà, B; Toledo, V M; Espejel, I: The use of birds as pets in Mexico. En: Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 13 (1), 2017, (cited By 12). (Tipo: Artículo de revista | Enlaces | BibTeX)
Espinosa-García, F J; Villaseñor, J L: Biodiversity, distribution, ecology and management of non-native weeds in Mexico: a review [Biodiversidad, distribución, ecología y manejo de malezas alóctonas en México: una revisión]. En: Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 88 , pp. 76-96, 2017, (cited By 11). (Tipo: Artículo de revista | Enlaces | BibTeX)
van der Sande, M T; Poorter, L; Balvanera, P; Kooistra, L; Thonicke, K; Boit, A; Dutrieux, L P; Equihua, J; Gerard, F; Herold, M; Kolb, M; Simões, M; Peña-Claros, M: The integration of empirical, remote sensing and modelling approaches enhances insight in the role of biodiversity in climate change mitigation by tropical forests. En: Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 26-27 , pp. 69-76, 2017, (cited By 11). (Tipo: Artículo de revista | Enlaces | BibTeX)
Kowaljow, E; Gonzalez-Polo, M; Mazzarino, M J: Understanding compost effects on water availability in a degraded sandy soil of Patagonia. En: Environmental Earth Sciences, 76 (6), 2017, (cited By 11). (Tipo: Artículo de revista | Enlaces | BibTeX)
Arroyo-Rodríguez, V; Melo, F P L; Martínez-Ramos, M; Bongers, F; Chazdon, R L; Meave, J A; Norden, N; Santos, B A; Leal, I R; Tabarelli, M: Multiple successional pathways in human-modified tropical landscapes: new insights from forest succession, forest fragmentation and landscape ecology research. En: Biological Reviews, 92 (1), pp. 326-340, 2017, (cited By 295). (Tipo: Artículo de revista | Enlaces | BibTeX)
Pfeifer, M; Lefebvre, V; Peres, C A; Banks-Leite, C; Wearn, O R; Marsh, C J; Butchart, S H M; Arroyo-Rodríguez, V; Barlow, J; Cerezo, A; Cisneros, L; D'Cruze, N; Faria, D; Hadley, A; Harris, S M; Klingbeil, B T; Kormann, U; Lens, L; Medina-Rangel, G F; Morante-Filho, J C; Olivier, P; Peters, S L; Pidgeon, A; Ribeiro, D B; Scherber, C; Schneider-Maunoury, L; Struebig, M; Urbina-Cardona, N; Watling, J I; Willig, M R; Wood, E M; Ewers, R M: Creation of forest edges has a global impact on forest vertebrates. En: Nature, 551 (7679), pp. 187-191, 2017, (cited By 205). (Tipo: Artículo de revista | Enlaces | BibTeX)
Ponette-González, A G; Perroni, Y; Weathers, K C; de Souza, P A; García-Oliva, F; de Mello, W Z: Nitrogen cycling in tropical Atlantic Forest differing in exposure to urban atmospheric nitrogen deposition. En: Plant and Soil, 420 (1-2), pp. 451-465, 2017, (cited By 10). (Tipo: Artículo de revista | Enlaces | BibTeX)
Maass, M: Integrating food-water-energy research through a socio-ecosystem approach. En: Frontiers in Environmental Science, 5 (AUG), 2017, (cited By 10). (Tipo: Artículo de revista | Enlaces | BibTeX)
Aguilar, R; Carreón-Abud, Y; López-Carmona, D; Larsen, J: Organic fertilizers alter the composition of pathogens and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in maize roots. En: Journal of Phytopathology, 165 (7-8), pp. 448-454, 2017, (cited By 10). (Tipo: Artículo de revista | Enlaces | BibTeX)
Ramírez-Barahona, S; González, C; González-Rodríguez, A; Ornelas, J F: The influence of climatic niche preferences on the population genetic structure of a mistletoe species complex. En: New Phytologist, 214 (4), pp. 1751-1761, 2017, (cited By 10). (Tipo: Artículo de revista | Enlaces | BibTeX)
González-Marín, R M; Moreno-Casasola, P; Castro-Luna, A A; Castillo, A: Regaining the traditional use of wildlife in wetlands on the coastal plain of Veracruz, Mexico: ensuring food security in the face of global climate change. En: Regional Environmental Change, 17 (5), pp. 1343-1354, 2017, (cited By 10). (Tipo: Artículo de revista | Enlaces | BibTeX)
Poorter, L; van der Sande, M T; Arets, E J M M; Ascarrunz, N; Enquist, B; Finegan, B; Licona, J C; Martínez-Ramos, M; Mazzei, L; Meave, J A; Muñoz, R; Nytch, C J; de Oliveira, A A; Pérez-García, E A; Prado-Junior, J; Rodríguez-Velázques, J; Ruschel, A R; Salgado-Negret, B; Schiavini, I; Swenson, N G; Tenorio, E A; Thompson, J; Toledo, M; Uriarte, M; Hout, P V D; Zimmerman, J K; Peña-Claros, M: Biodiversity and climate determine the functioning of Neotropical forests. En: Global Ecology and Biogeography, 26 (12), pp. 1423-1434, 2017, (cited By 113). (Tipo: Artículo de revista | Enlaces | BibTeX)
Llanderalmendoza, J; Gugger, P F; Oyama, K; Uribesalas, D; Rodríguez, A G: Climatic determinants of acorn size and germination percentage of Quercus rugosa (Fagaceae) along a latitudinal gradient in Mexico. En: Botanical Sciences, 95 (1), pp. 37-45, 2017, (cited By 10). (Tipo: Artículo de revista | Enlaces | BibTeX)
Rivera-Ortíz, F A; Solórzano, S; Arizmendi, M C; Dávila-Aranda, P; Oyama, K: Genetic diversity and structure of the Military Macaw (Ara militaris) in Mexico: Implications for conservation. En: Tropical Conservation Science, 10 , 2017, (cited By 10). (Tipo: Artículo de revista | Enlaces | BibTeX)
List, R; Rodríguez, P; Pelz-Serrano, K; Benítez-Malvido, J; Lobato, J M: Conservation in Mexico: exploring achievements, challenges and perspectives from terrestrial ecology [La conservación en México: exploración de logros, retos y perspectivas desde la ecología terrestre]. En: Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 88 , pp. 65-75, 2017, (cited By 3). (Tipo: Artículo de revista | Enlaces | BibTeX)
Barreto-Barriga, O; Larsen, J; Bahena, F; del-Val, E: Influence of male presence and host diet on Campoletis sonorensis parasitism of Spodoptera frugiperda. En: Biocontrol Science and Technology, 27 (11), pp. 1279-1291, 2017, (cited By 3). (Tipo: Artículo de revista | Enlaces | BibTeX)
Jiménez, Lomelí A J; Pérez-Salicrup, D R; Rangel, Figueroa B L; Mendoza-Cantú, M E; Guzmán, Cuevas R; Andresen, E; Ríos, Morfín J E: Are changes in remotely sensed canopy cover associated to changes in vegetation structure, diversity, and composition in recovered tropical shrublands?. En: Plant Ecology, 218 (8), pp. 1021-1033, 2017, (cited By 3). (Tipo: Artículo de revista | Enlaces | BibTeX)
Rito, K F; Arroyo-Rodríguez, V; Queiroz, R T; Leal, I R; Tabarelli, M: Precipitation mediates the effect of human disturbance on the Brazilian Caatinga vegetation. En: Journal of Ecology, 105 (3), pp. 828-838, 2017, (cited By 95). (Tipo: Artículo de revista | Enlaces | BibTeX)
Navarro, L M; Fernández, N; Guerra, C; Guralnick, R; Kissling, W D; Londoño, M C; Muller-Karger, F; Turak, E; Balvanera, P; Costello, M J; Delavaud, A; Serafy, El G Y; Ferrier, S; Geijzendorffer, I; Geller, G N; Jetz, W; Kim, E -S; Kim, H; Martin, C S; McGeoch, M A; Mwampamba, T H; Nel, J L; Nicholson, E; Pettorelli, N; Schaepman, M E; Skidmore, A; Pinto, Sousa I; Vergara, S; Vihervaara, P; Xu, H; Yahara, T; Gill, M; Pereira, H M: Monitoring biodiversity change through effective global coordination. En: Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 29 , pp. 158-169, 2017, (cited By 81). (Tipo: Artículo de revista | Enlaces | BibTeX)
Balvanera, P; Daw, T M; Gardner, T A; Martín-López, B; Norström, A V; Speranza, C I; Spierenburg, M; Bennett, E M; Farfan, M; Hamann, M; Kittinger, J N; Luthe, T; Maass, M; Peterson, G D; Perez-Verdin, G: Key features for more successful place-based sustainability research on social-ecological systems: A programme on ecosystem change and society (PECS) perspective. En: Ecology and Society, 22 (1), 2017, (cited By 74). (Tipo: Artículo de revista | Enlaces | BibTeX)
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